(It Works!)

DIY Carpet Deodorizer with Two Ingredients

This DIY carpet deodorizer REALLY WORKS! You don’t need to buy anything with chemicals – this carpet freshener uses just two ingredients. Great for homes with children and pets.

Skills Required: None.

You can make this homemade carpet deodorizer even if you’ve never made anything before. You’re mixing a powder with essential oils – that’s it!

Gather Your Supplies

You’ll need pure baking soda and your favorite essential oil – and then a container to hold your deodorizer in. You can also use a dredge shaker:

Fill your bottle about halfway full of pure baking soda.

Place about 7 – 8 drops of your favorite essential oil in the container. I used lemongrass because it deters flies and bugs, and makes the house smell amazing for a long time.

Shake the container, then repeat step one and two so that the container is full to the top with baking soda. You’ll use 14 – 16 drops of essential oil total.

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