Tips & tricks

Woodworking Safety Equipment: Our Woodshop Essentials

What woodworking safety equipment do you need on hand to protect yourself during your DIY projects? 

My uncle was also a professional woodworker for his entire career, and let me tell you – the pros take it seriously. In his entire career, he never hurt himself significantly, and the reason is because he always wore the proper woodworking safety

Woodworking Safety Gear

There are seven pieces of woodworking safety equipment I’d recommend that you have in your arsenal to complete your building and DIY projects. 

Safety Goggles or Glasses

When working with wood, a lot of dust and debris is created. By using safety glasses or goggles it will keep the particles from getting into your eyes.

Sound Protection (Earplugs and Earmuffs)

Over a long period of time this noise can damage your hearing. Earplugs and earmuffs can prevent this damage.

Dust Mask or Respirator

Dust masks and respirators will act to filter the air you are breathing and limit dust irritation. If you try woodworking without a mask? You’ll see what gets into your air passages when you blow your nose. Trust me, you want this protection!

Cut Resistant Gloves

Protect your hands from splinters and cuts by using cut resistant gloves! Keep in mind that gloves like this are not fully cut proof, for example if you are using an electric saw.

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