Cut out a piece of 5” x 7” of cardboard using scissors.
Place on your work surface and sketch your design with a pencil (it should be relatively simple). Use small or round items like pill bottles or cups to make various shapes.
Place your beans in various containers on your work surface.
Paint a smaller area of your mosaic design with craft glue using the paintbrush.
Apply beans to the area, pressing them down into the design until you’ve covered the section. If you find a bean doesn’t fit the area, you can remove it and place down another bean (it’s easy to set the bean aside or wash off the glue).
Fill in the area and let dry completely before beginning the next.
Paint over the beans (and down into the cardboard and over the glue) with the paint color of your choice. Let dry.
Repeat steps 4 through 6 with the remaining areas of your mosaic. Do final touchups with paint and let your art dry completely before displaying.