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Coffee filter turkey craft

Coffee Filter Turkeys

Learn how to make a cute little turkey craft for Thanksgiving using a coffee filter and a clothespin! Kids will love this idea.
Course Thanksgiving Crafts
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Servings 2 turkeys
Author Amy Anderson
Cost $1




  • Gather the supplies to make the turkeys. You will need one coffee filter and one clothespin per turkey.
    Coffee filters, craft foam, washable markers, clothespins, scissors, googly eyes, paintbrush
  • Choose four colors that you would like to use for your turkey’s tail. Picking a variety of colors that are different shades (light and dark) makes for the best results.
    Four washable markers on top of a coffee filter
  • Start with a brown or similar dark shade of marker. Draw a circle around the edge of the coffee filter and then draw lines in an "X" across the middle.
    Drawing on the coffee filter with brown marker
  • Take a contrasting color marker and draw some lines within each quadrant on the coffee filter.
    Drawing on the coffee filter with red marker
  • With the remaining two markers, add additional lines at random to the inside of the other lines on the coffee filter. No need to add too many lines. They will bleed into each other.
    Coffee filter covered with brown, yellow, and red washable marker
  • Place the coffee filter down on a washable work surface. You can use a craft mat, silicone mat, or wax paper. Mist the paper with 4 – 5 sprays of water and you will start to see the markers bleed. This is what you want.
    Spraying the filter with water
  • If the markers didn’t bleed enough, add additional sprays of water. Don’t add too much water. You want to barely saturate the filter, otherwise all the water will drip off the filter and take the color with it.
    Marker bleeding across the coffee filter
  • Leave the coffee filter on your work surface to dry. Additionally, you can take a hairdryer and dry the filter, or place in the oven for a few minutes at the lowest heat (watching the entire time).
    Dried coffee filter dyed with markers
  • Place the coffee filter to the side for the moment and paint a clothespin with brown acrylic paint. Paint the entire clothespin with a few coats for coverage and let dry.
    Painting a clothespin with brown paint
  • While the clothespin is drying, cut out the pieces you’ll need from craft foam. You’ll need a yellow beak, a red waddle, and (if you want) orange feet.
    Cut out pieces from craft foam
  • Set the clothespin on your work surface so it stands up, with the clip part that holds paper at the top. Glue the googly eyes at the top and let dry.
    Gluing the googly eyes onto the clothespin
  • Attach the waddle, feet, and beak with craft glue and let dry.
    Turkey beak and waddle glued to the clothespin
  • Clip the coffee filter into the clothespin, creating the turkey tail. Adjust as necessary and your coffee filter turkey is complete. Make another one if desired
    Coffee filter turkeys
