Wash the pumpkins to remove any dirt using mild soap. Let dry.
Cut a small circle around the stems of the pumpkins, roughly the size of the votive jars.
Pop out the stem pieces and trim the part that went into the pumpkins.
Scoop out the seeds using a spoon and reserve for roasting.
Soak the floral foam according to the package instructions. Then trim the foam pieces to fit the jars and press snugly inside.
Start arranging the jars by inserting flowers into the floral foam.
Continue. It's easy to pull the flowers out of the foam and reinsert if you need to.
Slip the jars into the carved pumpkins. Carefully add in any stems if the arrangements don't look full enough.
To help preserve the pumpkins and make them shine, wipe a bit of vaseline on the outside and buff gently to a shine.