[mv_schema_meta name="Whisk Together Eggs, Sugar, Honey, Syrup, Vanilla, and Salt"]In a medium saucepan add the yolks, sugar, honey, lavender syrup, vanilla, and salt. Whisk together before turning on the heat. Once mixed, turn on medium heat.
[mv_schema_meta name="Stir as it Turns to Custard"]Continue to whisk the mixture as it heats up, only stopping once the mixture becomes a thick pudding like custard.
[mv_schema_meta name="Refrigerate for 30 Minutes"]Refrigerate for 30 minutes, to chill the mixture and allow the custard to thicken even more.
[mv_schema_meta name="Whip the Heavy Cream to Stiff Peaks"]In a separate bowl add the heavy whipping cream and beat with a hand mixer until stiff peaks are formed. Place this in the fridge until the egg mixture finishes chilling.
[mv_schema_meta name="Combine Egg Mixture and Whipped Cream"]Once chilled, stir the egg mixture. Add this to the whipped heavy cream a few tablespoons at a time, folding together between each addition. Continue until the two are completely combined.
[mv_schema_meta name="Add the Food Coloring"]Add a few drops of purple food dye. Fold into the mixture until evenly distributed. Add more or less drops based on desired purple color.
[mv_schema_meta name="Add to a Loaf Pan"]Transfer to the loaf pan, smooth the top, and place in the freezer. Let freeze for at least 8 hours.
[mv_schema_meta name="Scoop and Serve"]Scoop and serve. Top with extra honey and or mixed berries.