Start by making sure the placemats are washed and laying flat. Lay them next to each other.
Begin sewing at one end. Make knots to secure. Line the mats up and zig zag stitch all the way down, making sure to knot the thread at the beginning and end.
Start at one end and push the needle up through. Then you're going to use the fibers of the rug for your stitches.
Make enough stitches to secure the placemats well - you want them snug, because you want to have the ability to wash your rug.
Trim off the excess thread when you reach the end using the scissors.
Step 1: Grab several placemats to make a larger mat. I love that you can make this whatever size you like!Step 2: If you need tips for how to start and stop a project with embroidery thread, this video shows you the knots.To make this non-slip, hot glue shelf liner to the back with dots in a few places. When you need to wash, pull it off, and then re-hot glue the dots. It doesn't take long.