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pom pom for beanie

How to Make a Pompom for a Hat

Learn how to make a pom pom for a hat and then add it to the top! This is a great winter craft project.
Course DIY Fashion
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 2 hours
Total Time 2 hours 5 minutes
Servings 1 hat
Cost $5


  • Plain beanie
  • Yarn


  • This step is optional but adds color to the hat. Stitch a V, then cut your ends inside the hat and tie them off. Repeat all over the hat.
    Stitching hearts into a tan beanie with neon pink yarn
  • Wrap the yarn around four of your fingers about 100 times. Then, carefully slide it off of your hand so it keeps its shape.
    Yarn wrapped around a hand to make a pom pom
  • Cut a piece of yarn several inches long. Tie around the center of the looped very tightly. Then, take scissors and cut through the loops.
    Tying a piece of yarn around wrapped yarn and cutting into a pom pom
  • Thread your needle again and attach the pom pom to the top of the hat by threading it through the pom pom and tying it off inside the hat. Use several loops to secure.
    Sewing a neon pink pom pom to a tan beanie
  • Use scissors to trim the pom pom and make it more even. Make sure all loose ends are trimmed.
    how to make a pom pom for a hat