Using a craft knife or other sharp tool, cut two of the wine corks in half.
With one of the whole wine corks at the ready, place hot glue at the end of one of the halves. Press the half to the body to act as a leg. Repeat with the other three wine cork halves to create four legs on the body.
Take the last remaining whole wine cork and hot glue it to the top of the body to act as the head.
Hot glue a red pom pom as the nose to the end of the top wine cork.
Cut pipe cleaners and bend to form antlers. Glue to the top of the head.
Cut small pieces of pipe cleaner to act as crossbars on the antlers. Glue in place.
Hot glue two googly eyes to the face.
Add a small tail piece with hot glue. Then cut a long piece of baker's twine and tie around the neck to finish.