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Use cloth diapers to make baby burp cloths that are a perfect gift for a new mom. This is such an easy DIY - and can be customized for boy or girl.

Baby Burp Cloths

Learn how to make burp cloths using cloth diapers and ribbons! This is a very easy sewing project.
Course Sewing Crafts
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 2 cloths
Cost $5


  • Prefold cloth diapers
  • Ribbon(s) at least 24"
  • Thread


  • Cut a piece of ribbon the length of the short end of the cloth diaper, plus a little extra (about 1/2 inch) on each side.
  • Fold the ends of the ribbon under and use pins to hold it in place along the edge of the cloth.
  • Sew around all sides of the ribbon, getting as close to the edge as you can.
  • Repeat on the other short end of the cloth diaper to finish.