This boozy ice cream recipe is a delicious combination of flavors. You'll definitely want to add chocolate sauce to the top of this creamy frozen treat!
In a medium saucepan, add sugar and flour and stir together.
In a separate bowl, beat eggs and half and half.
Pour into sauce pan with sugar and flour and turn heat on to medium low. Stir mixture continuously until mixture thickens to the consistency of custard. If lumps start to occur, use a whisk and gently whisk out any lumps (do not boil, or it will curdle).
Remove from heat and stir in vanilla and Bailey’s.
Strain the custard, pressing out any lumps that may have formed. I strained my batch twice.
Cover with plastic wrap by pressing with plastic wrap down directly on top of the custard to keep from forming any skin on top. Refrigerate for 4-6 hours or overnight.
Pour into your ice cream maker and allow to churn for 20-30 minutes. You can serve it immediately as soft serve (my preference) or you can put in a container and freeze until completely firm.