You'll need a book with strong binding for this project. It should be easy to bend around a twig (which will act as a stem).
Remove the book cover from the book by holding all the pages together and ripping the cover off. You can use scissors or a craft knife to help you on the edges.
If there are any thicker liner pages in your book, remove those.
Fold the piece of paper in half. Draw a half pumpkin shape to the best of your ability, using the fold as the center. Cut out with scissors. Unfold and make sure it looks somewhat like a pumpkin, and then fold back in half.
Place the book pages down on your work surface, and put the template down with the fold on the binding. Trace with the pen.
Remove the template and grab 5 - 10 pages at a time. Cut around them with the scissors and remove the scraps.
Using the pages you just cut as a template, draw another line on the page below. Grab 5 - 10 more pages and cut again. Repeat this step until all pages are cut (this is the most time consuming part).
Use a ruler to measure a twig that is about 4 to 5 inches taller than your pumpkin. Place the cut book open with the binding facing you on the work surface. Add a line of hot glue and place the twig down, flush to the bottom.
Add hot glue to the binding and the twig, and bring the book pages forward, wrapping the binding around the twig to secure.
Bring the end pages around and hot glue them together.
Stand your pumpkin up and start fluffing. Hot glue any additional pages together depending on how they naturally separate. You might not need to do any gluing.
Make a template with your scrap paper. Use it to cut out a few stem or leaf pieces from the felt. I did two, one slightly larger than the other.
Make a slit in the middle of the felt pieces with scissors.
Slide the felt pieces down onto the stem to secure.
Tie the twine around the pumpkin stem to finish. Trim with scissors.