Take two pipe cleaners together and fold them over themselves to create a (somewhat) round crystal shape. Try not to leave any openings or gaps.
Cut 6-8 inches of twine or thread. Tie twine to the pipe cleaner. In a clean and dry glass jar measure how long the twine should be suspended. The pipe cleaner should not touch the bottom of the jar.
Once the twine is measured attach the other end to a popsicle stick. Double-check that the length of the twine (or thread) is good, if it’s too long or too short adjust accordingly.
Repeat steps 1-3 for each pipe cleaner.
Set the pipe cleaner aside. In a small saucepan boil 2 cups of water per glass jar. Add 3/4 C Borax powder to the jar, then carefully add the boiling water. Stir until all the Borax is dissolved.
Carefully lower the pipe cleaner into the borax water with the popsicle stick resting on the mouth of the glass jar. Repeat with all jars and pipe cleaners.
Let the pipe cleaners sit and crystallize for at least 24 hours.
Carefully remove the crystalized pipe cleaner from the Borax solution. Lay on a paper towel to remove excess liquid. Carefully cut off the twine or thread as close to the crystal as you can.