You want to use fresh leaves for this project so they don’t crumble into your clay. Gently rinse the leaves you collected to remove any dirt or debris. Let them dry on paper towels.
Roll out the clay on your work surface (which can be wax paper, cutting board, or similar) using a rolling pin.
Place the leaf down into the clay and press with your hand gently.
Roll with the rolling pin, to transfer the leaf shape and texture into the clay. Remove the leaf from the clay.
Use the sharp object to accentuate the lines of your leaf that may not have transferred into the clay completely.
Cut around the leaf shape using the knife. Save the remaining clay for another project.
Gently curl the edges of the leaf shape up with your fingers, just to add a little bit of interest to your project.
Repeat with additional leaves and clay. Bake your shapes according to package instructions (typically 250 degrees Fahrenheit for a few hours). Remove from the oven and let cool.
Paint the dishes with the colors of your choice. Let dry completely before using. Add a decoupage medium to seal and let dry (if desired).