Start by folding a filter in half, and then in half again. Then you're going to roll it into a cone shape, somewhat tight at the bottom and more loose at the top.
Bend the bottom of the filter cone, which makes a tab for you to glue on and also keeps the cone from unraveling.
Place a dab of hot glue on the tab. Press down on the inside of the wreath form. Pick a point about midway down on the inside.
Start with one, then glue one right next to it. Then one right next to that.
Continue all the way around the wreath form gluing coffee filters, until you have worked your way around the inside of the circle.
Mark where you finish the row with your finger. That's the point at which you will start the second row. Continue just as you did before, gluing coffee filters down.
You're going to repeat the process on the entire wreath form - here's the diagram for approximately where you'll want each row to go.
Once done, flip the wreath over to the back.
Punch two holes in the back of the wreath form with an awl or a toothpick (even a BBQ skewer would work). Cut a piece of pipe cleaner, fold into a U, and hot glue into the holes.
Hang your coffee filter wreath on any surface you like, even a covered porch! They are very easy to hang with Command strips.