Learn how to make a mirror frame DIY on a budget! Keep your current mirror in place and hang this wooden frame over the top. It looks great, it's stylish, and you can also remove it at any time.
From the three pieces of barnwood cut (using the miter saw) cut two 3’ 7 ½" pieces to go down the sides. Then cut two 5’ 7 ½ “ pieces to go across the top and bottom.
Using the miter saw, cut 45° angles at each end of all four pieces.
Cut the 1' x 2' down to 4 1/2' to use as a frame hanger and stabilizer.
Center this 4 1/2' piece above the mirror and anchor it into the wall using the 3" wood screws. Use the stud finder again to make sure you go into the wood studs.
After the 1' x 2' is mounted, put three evenly spaced 1/2" wood screws into that piece towards the top. Don’t screw them all the way in; leave them backed out about ⅛“ - leaving room for the frame hanging loops.
Begin assembling the frame. Using a Kreg Jig, drill a pilot hole for the attachment screw in the center of one of the pieces at each join (it doesn't matter which one).
Working one corner at a time, add glue to the edges of the wood.
Use clamps to hold the glued pieces of wood together.
Screw a Kreg Jig screw into the hole of the glued pieces. Do this four times and the frame will be formed. Let the wood glue dry.
After the frame is dry, mount the three frame hanger loops to the back of the frame at the top to align with the screws that were placed on the 4 1/2' wood piece.
Use a tape measure to locate the frame hanger loops in the same place as the screws. The DIY mirror frame is ready to hang.
If you don't have a mirror up before you start, you can purchase a mirror from Home Depot and hang with the spring loaded mirror clips and the six 2 1/2" wood screws. Use the stud finder to mount the clips.