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diy tote bag from a tea towel

DIY Tote Bag

Learn how to make a tea towel tote bag the easy way! This is a perfect project for a beginning sewist.
Course Sewing Crafts
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Servings 1 bag
Cost $5


  • 1 Tea towel
  • Thread
  • Webbing for straps


  • Fold your tea towel in half with right sides facing each other.
  • You'll make boxed corners. Instead of measuring and sewing off triangles. Simply take the folded bottom edge and push it up between the front and back of the fabric, creating a pleat.
    Folding the end of the tea towel
  • Pin along each edge, making sure the folds line up at the bottom of your bag.
    Pins along the side of the tea towel
  • Zig zag stitch in a straight line along both sides.
    Sewing down the edge of the towel in a zig zag stitch
  • Pin and stitch your handles into place. If you're using webbing, I recommend sewing it on with a boxed "X" to provide more support.
    Braiding sewn on to the edge of the tea towel tote
  • Flip it all right side out to use.
    How to sew a tote from a tea towel



My braiding was a little thick and finicky, so I just zig zagged back and forth a few times.