DIY Tote Bag from a Tea Towel in Less Than an Hour
Learn how to make a DIY tote bag from a thrift store tea towel. This project is easy, cute, and budget friendly! Makes a great gift idea.
Skills Required: Beginner. The sewing is very simple, so if you’re just starting out with a sewing machine, you’ll be able to tackle this project.

If you’re a vintage and thrift store lover like me, chances are you have a sizable stash of favorite items that rarely see the light of day.
You’re either short on space to display them, or you’ve been holding out on using them for just the right occasion (like china settings) so they won’t be ruined.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from thrifting for nearly two decades, it’s that I can’t bring all the pretty things home, and if I do, I need to put it to use or pass it back along.
So, to go along with my unofficial resolution of paring down my vintage stash this year, I’m putting one of my favorite vintage tea towels to good use by sewing it into a tea towel DIY tote – perfect for a project bag or making a run to the farmers market!
This tea towel would have made a perfect wall hanging, but I just don’t have a good space for it in my house.
I love the bold flower print, and it’s 100% linen with finished edges – and it’s from the year my husband was born, so I couldn’t not bring it home with me.
But the thing is, I bought it like two years ago and I haven’t done anything with it! Time for a change. Here’s how I turned a tea towel into a tote.
First you’re going to gather these supplies:
- One pretty tea towel
- Sewing machine
- Scissors
- Something to use for the straps. I used 1 1/2 yards of pretty yellow braiding, although webbing is perfect for a tote too
Tip: when you try this tutorial, ironing can help, especially if your towel is wrinkly. Use it on your edges and box corners if desired.
This is such a cute cottagecore craft idea. You can make a bunch of them in just a few hours.
Get the printable how to card for this tote below.
DIY Tote Bag
- Pins
- 1 Tea towel
- Thread
- Webbing for straps
- Fold your tea towel in half with right sides facing each other.
- You'll make boxed corners. Instead of measuring and sewing off triangles. Simply take the folded bottom edge and push it up between the front and back of the fabric, creating a pleat.
- Pin along each edge, making sure the folds line up at the bottom of your bag.
- Zig zag stitch in a straight line along both sides.
- Pin and stitch your handles into place. If you're using webbing, I recommend sewing it on with a boxed "X" to provide more support.
- Flip it all right side out to use.
This tea towel tote is so simple and quick, it makes a great last-minute gift idea for Mother’s Day, Christmas, and more! If you want more tea towel ideas, check out the other tutorials:
Floral Coloring Book Tea Towel
hi! can you let me know where you found the yellow braided strap? thanks!
Hi Carley! I’d check at JoAnns – but it may not be there after two years. I’d do a search online if you can’t find it there.
Awwww, I love this so much. I love tea towels. I included this in my roundup of fall crafts I want to try. Thank you!
Thank you so much for including it!
I hope to make a few of these bags for gifts!!
Great idea! Seems very easy.
I love this.
On trend on utilizes recycling something lived and beautiful!
THANK YOU! Just made 19 Tea Towel Totes from my collection (old collection!) of Tea Towels – some for gifts (with a meaning) and others for Cancer Care Kits (to put a smile on the patient’s face, we hope) for our Prayer Shawl Ministry. Managed to get package of 1″ herringbone cotton tape in various colours through Amazon – bit expensive but really set bags off with matching, or contrasting, handles. Have photos, if you are interested. Thank you again for helping me “get rid” of “stuff”!
Thank you for this pattern. Can’t wait to try it.