12inchesBaker's twineapproximately - more for larger branches
Cut piece of wire about 13 - 15" or so, depending on the size of your beads. I used 15 beads, but you can make your wreath shape as large as you like.
Begin stringing the beads onto the wire, pushing all the beads toward the center and leaving wire on both ends.
Now you will create a circle with the wire. Bring the wire around to form a circle, and string the wire from the right side through the last bead on the left. Pull together to tighten the circle.
Twist the wire behind the wood bead to secure your ornament. Clip off the excess wire with the wire cutters.
Push the wire down behind the bead. This will be the back of the ornament.
Cut about 12" of baker's twine and thread through a needle (optional).
String through the top bead - this is the way to string your ornament so that it will face out when it hangs (and not to the side).
Attach the greenery and wood circle with a hot glue gun and let cool before hanging.
The wire can be any gauge you like, it just has to be strong enough to bend into a circle and hold shape. You'll also need to be able to string the beads onto it.