Paint the wreath form using black acrylic paint. Coat thoroughly and let dry.
Heat up the glue gun. Place glue on one side of the ornament, then press directly onto the wreath form and hold for a few seconds.
Continue hot gluing ornaments around the outside of the wreath. Don't worry about them being too tight - just space them evenly.
Repeat step 3 around the inside of the wreath as well. Space them as evenly as possible.
If necessary, remove any extra embellishments from the black garland with scissors.
The garland is going to be your base for the final layer of ornaments. Begin by gluing the end down at a random spot on the front of the wreath form in the center. Hot glue the garland around the form, sticking toward the inside on your first go around.
As you go around the form, place dabs of hot glue to keep the garland in place. Continue working your way around, and when you do the second round, stick to the outside. You're going to go around a total of three times, and on the third time, you're going to stick to the outside. Don't forget to put regular dabs of glue to secure the garland to the form.
To finish the wreath, glue ornaments directly down onto the garland. Work your way around the wreath, spacing evenly.
Attach a loop of scrap ribbon or yarn onto the back of the wreath form with the glue gun. Hang using the Command strip.