Make two stacks of lunch bags, with 4-5 in each stack. Make sure all the ends are together.
Starting with one stack, glue two of the lunch bags together using hot glue. You will use the hot glue along the bottom of the bags, then a line of hot glue up the middle. Smooth the bags together, making sure the bottoms of the bags are together.
Repeat step two until you have glued both stack of lunch bags separately. One stack should have 4-5 bags and the other should have 5 bags.
Draw a design using a pencil on one stack of bags. Keep the design above the bottom flaps.
Use the scissors to cut the design out of the paper bags.
Place the cut stack of paper bags onto the second stack and trace the design with the pencil.
Cut the design out from the second stack of paper bags. Your stacks should look identical.
Place a line of hot glue up the center of one of the stack and glue them together.
Bring one end of the paper bags around to the other and glue together, forming the circular snowflake. Hold until secure.
Punch a hole in the top with scissors or the pencil. Cut a length of ribbon and string, then tie a knot to hang.
The reason you are working with two stacks of paper bags is so that you can cut the design more easily with regular scissors.