Cut eight strips of paper that are 12" x 1.25" wide using a paper cutter and scissors or ruler.
Take four paper strips and put them on your work surface. Tape two of the pieces together end to end with a glue dot, overlapping an inch or so. Repeat this three more times and you will have four long paper strips.
Tape two of the long pieces together with a glue to make a plus (+) symbol. Repeat with the other two pieces.
Tape one of the plus symbols onto the other plus symbol with a glue dot, rotating it so there will be eight even strips to your pumpkin.
Punch a hole in approximately the same place at the end of every paper strip.
Use glue dots to bring all the paper strips to the center and attach, matching up the holes. The pumpkin base is complete.
Fold a brown and green pipe cleaner in half, together. Twist the bottom of the combined pipe cleaners and bend to make a little hook.
Insert this end into the hole at the top of the pumpkin (created by matching up the hole punched holes).
Fold down the green pipe cleaners, away from the brown. Twist both around a pencil or pen to create a stem. Remove the pencil and pull the stem up a little bit to "poof" it..
Wrap each green pipe cleaner end around the pencil to create leaves. Pull them out slowly and your paper pumpkin is complete.
You'll use 1 sheet of construction paper for a smaller pumpkin, 2 for a larger pumpkin