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Wooden bead snowman ornaments

Snowman Bead Ornament

Learn how to make the cutest wooden ball snowman ornaments for your Christmas tree!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Dry Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 40 minutes
Servings 1 ornament
Cost $1



  • 3 5/8" Wood beads 3 per ornament
  • 1 3/4" Wood pull 1 for the hat
  • 3 bottles Acrylic paint white, black, orange
  • 15 inches Baker's twine
  • 1 Bandana or fabric scraps


  • Begin by painting the snowman's body beads with white. You can put the bead on the end of a paintbrush to paint - you can also paint half, let dry, and then paint the other half.
    Painting a wood bead with white acrylic paint
  • Once the beads are dry, use the end of a paintbrush to dot a face on one of the beads. Then on another bead, put three black dots on it for buttons (bottom to top). Let dry. After you're done painting the eyes and buttons, you'll want to add an orange nose with a small paintbrush and orange craft paint.
    Dotting the mouth and eyes with black paint on a white painted bead
  • I was lucky enough to find the cutest little knobs to act as a snowman's hat! To start, sandpaper the round end down as flat as possible. It will look more hat-like.
    Sanding the top of a knob to make it a hat shape
  • Choose a 1/8" - 1/4" bit - you just need the hole large enough for the thread hanger to go through. Drill all the way through to create your hole.
    Drilling a hole through the wood pull
  • Paint the hat black with acrylic paint. Let dry.
    Painting the knob pull with black acrylic paint
  • Cut a small slit in one end of the fabric or bandana. Tear a piece of the bandana to act as a small scarf.
    Cutting and ripping a piece of fabric for a scarf on an ornament
  • Cut the length of baker's twine. Loop and create a knot at the bottom.
    Creating a loop of baker's twine to hang the ornament
  • String the beads onto the twine, and make sure they are in the right order. White bead, button bead, face bead, and then the hat. Use the paperclip or wire to help you.
    Stringing the hanging loop through the wood beads
  • Create a loop for the scarf as shown.
    Wrapping the bandana scrap into a scarf for the ornament
  • Add the scarf loosely around the neck and pull a little bit to tighten. Then hang.
    Scarf added to the wood bead snowman ornament



I did not drill the knob in midair - that was for illustrative purposes only. Please use proper safety protocols and equipment in your project.