Clean your wine corks by soaking them overnight in hot water with a splash of hydrogen peroxide (if you have it). Once they're done, rinse and let dry.
Gluing corks is very simple with hot glue. Arrange the corks on your craft mat with the long ends together in a row. Add a bead of hot glue between each and press together for a few moments. Let cool before moving on.
Continuing adding thin beads of hot glue and pressing the corks together. Be very cautious to keep the hot glue between the corks and not burn your fingers.
Once the entire pumpkin is assembled and the top row is glued, let cool completely. Complete a second pumpkin.
Paint the ends of all corks on both sides with orange acrylic paint. Let dry; paint a second coat if needed.
Use scissors to cut stem shapes from green felt (I used two different shades).
Hot glue the stems (stagger them) to the top center of the pumpkins.
Cut two corks (one for each pumpkin) on the diagonal using a craft knife. Glue them on the top of the felt as stems.
Cut lengths of burlap ribbon and hot glue underneath the stems as accents to finish.