If your wreath form has a top (mine has a hanger), orient it toward the top of the work surface. At the very bottom center of the wreath form, hot glue a cork to the center. Right in the center of the curve.
To the right of the first cork, hot glue down a second cork. Make sure that you are following the curve of the ring.
Continue hot gluing corks around the center of the ring until you have completed the circle. If you notice that the final cork isn't going to fit, use a knife to trim and use the sandpaper to smooth.
Glue down second ring of wine corks around the outside of the row you just did. Place one cork at a time.
Complete the ring of corks, trimming and sanding if necessary.
Now that you've got the hang of it, complete a third row of wine corks.
Add a second layer to your wine cork wreath. Hot glue the corks down in between the other rings of corks, forming two rings. Work your way around. You can spread these two rows out a little bit further as necessary to make the corks fit, since you have a row below already.
Finish the main portion of the wreath by adding a third row of corks.
Add a bow using a bow maker and hang.
Drinking time is NOT included in the project time. :) Cheers!