Cut several pipe cleaners in half using wire cutters.
Beginning at the top of the wreath form, add a 1/2 pipe cleaner at the top and twist to tighten.
Grab the black deco mesh, bunch up, and tighten the pipe cleaner around the bunch and twist.
Keeping the deco mesh somewhat bunched up in your hand, wrap around the wreath form. You want to overlap the row on top when you wrap.
Continue until you've reached the third horizontal wire bar on the wreath form, or wherever you'd like to begin the band with the green mesh. Add a pipe cleaner and tie down the mesh the same way you did at the top. Trim the excess black mesh off the top and bottom with the scissors.
Add the green mesh with a pipe cleaner and wrap 5 - 6 times to create a band. Secure the end with a pipe cleaner and trim both ends of the mesh with scissors.
Continue the black the way that you did in steps 3 - 4 until you get to the brim.
At one end of the brim, add a pipe cleaner and twist around to secure.
Bunch up the deco mesh and secure to the pipe cleaner. Twist.
Move your hand down about 12" on the deco mesh and bunch up. Secure close to the first pipe cleaner with another pipe cleaner.
Continue bunching up lengths of deco mesh and attach to the wreath frame with pipe cleaners. Work your way across the top of the brim and then the bottom.
Use your hands to fluff in between the pipe cleaners and spread the mesh out. Add any additional mesh as needed to fill in areas.
Trim all loose ends with scissors. Add a spider or other embellishment using a hot glue gun.
Hang with a Command strip making sure to hang on one of the hooks versus the mesh.