Tips & tricks

Ready to Roll Camper Wood Pallet Art

Share your love of travel with this unique “ready to roll” camper wood pallet art! It didn’t cost us much to make – we got the pallets for free. So fun!

Tools: Table saw Miter saw Jigsaw Planer Sander or sandpaper Tape measure Goggles and gloves

Plane all of your cut pallet wood pieces to a uniform thickness (around .5”) include the frame pieces.

Assemble the wood background and frame. Lay your planed wood pallet pieces on the ground, all together, with the side you want to be the back facing down. Add wood glue to the frame pieces, and line the pallet wood pieces with the frame pieces. Let dry and then nail everything in place as shown above for added stability.

Grab your piece of plywood and section off a 21″ wide by 16″ tall square with a ruler. Use the ruler to guide your drawing of a camper body as shown. You don’t have to be an artist and it doesn’t have to be exact – we actually used clip art to inspire this drawing above! You can use items around the house for the curves. Whatever your idea of a camper is . . . that’s what you should draw.

Cut out the silhouette with a jigsaw. In addition to the camper shape, we also cut a 7″ long triangular wedge AND a small 3.5″ x 1/2″ wood piece to serve as the hitch. For the tires, we cut out one 3.5″ circle and one 1.25″ circle. To trace those, we just used small items we already had.

Paint your wood components – the parts that will be the hitch and also the wheels. My recommendation is that anything that you are going to paint silver, you paint gray first: a gray that is similar to your silver. The gray will be a nice basecoat under the silver, which doesn’t cover quite as well. let your components dry.

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