Learn how to make a wood beaded garland on a budget! This is a perfect home decor craft idea for beginners. You'll complete this project in three simple steps.
Decide how many of the beads you would like to paint. Use a paintbrush to hold each bead - then paint it with a different brush. Repeat and then let all the beads dry.
Cut the twine to be the length you like, leaving several inches at either end for attaching tassels. Knot at one end (again, leaving length for tying) and start stringing beads in your preferred pattern. Continue until the wood bead garland is at the desired length. Then tie a knot at the other end.
Begin by wrapping the twine around your hand several times - about 10 to 12. You can also use a piece of cardboard.
Remove the loop from your hand, place on the pen, and cut an additional length of twine (about 18"). Tie around the loop tightly right underneath the pen.
Wrap the twine around multiple times and then tie a knot. Cut the excess.
Cut the end of the loop at the other end of the pen to create a tassel. Trim with scissors at the ends of the yarn to make them even. Repeat so that you have two tassels.
Tie the tassels into each end of the bead garland, knotting to secure. Cut excess twine with the scissors.
My pattern for this garland was one dark brown bead, then five unfinished wood beads with the one in the middle painted. Then repeat and finish with a dark brown bead.