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Chore Charts for Kids: 20+ Great Ideas They’ll Use!

Are you thinking about organizing a system of chores for your children? Here you will find over 20 unique chore charts for kids to help you get started.

chore charts for kids - over 20 of the best ideas

Getting kids on board with a chore system can be tough. The earlier you start, the easier it can be to get them used to the idea of having personal responsibilities.

As they get older, they will have a good sense of what is involved in keeping a home clean and organized. Chore charts are a great tool to assist you and your family with setting up a chore system in your home.

What is the best chore chart for kids?

There isn’t one specific chore chart that is best for all children. You will need to determine what will work best for your family.

When deciding which chore chart to use, you should consider each of the following questions. It may help to write down your answers and then see if your chosen chart works with your answers.

How many kids?

Do you want to have a chore chart that works for more than one child or would you prefer to have one that is used for each individual child?

How long?

Do you want a chart that is for one day only? A week? A month? In other words, how often do you want to have to change the chart? If you’re not sure where to begin, I’d say start with weekly.

Filled in, blank, or editable?

Should your chore chart have chores already filled in? Some have age appropriate ideas already listed. Others leave the chart blank and you have to come up with your own.

A few are editable on your computer. This is good for making your chart look nice but you still have to come up with your list of chores.

Paper or permanent?

Do you want to print out a chore chart or would you prefer to purchase or create a chart? There are magnetic or Velcro versions you can buy or DIY.

Rewards based or not?

Do you want your kids to do chores for a reward or allowance? Rewards are good for teaching children about working to earn. Not providing a reward can teach children about responsibilities and contributing to a successful family home.

No matter which chore chart you choose to use, you will need to make sure that you communicate with your children about the following:

  • how the chart works
  • what you expect for each chore
  • how they should let you know they have finished
  • what happens if they don’t do the chores
  • how they can get a reward—if that is what you have decided to do

Okay, now that you have your answers and an idea of what chore chart may work for your family, lets get to some examples! I have found over 20 of the best chore chart ideas on the web. Which one do you think will work for your family?

Chore Charts for Kids

Below you will find over 20 unique chore charts for kids to help you get started with a chore system in your home.

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