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Air Dry Clay Ideas Perfect for Grown-Ups

Discover just how versatile clay can be with these creative air dry clay ideas designed with adults in mind!

air dry clay ideas for adults to enjoy

Are you curious about clay projects but aren’t sure where to start? You are in the right place! I’ve got a ton of inspirational projects for you, and they all use air dry clay.

What is air dry clay?

Air dry clay is like playdough for grown-ups. It’s soft, moldable, and doesn’t require baking in an oven. Instead, it dries naturally when exposed to air. Perfect for those who want to create without the fuss of an oven or kiln.

When is it best to use air dry clay versus oven-hardening clay?

In addition to not needing an oven, air dry clay is non-toxic so it is good for kid’s projects. It is also super easy to work with so you can start making clay products right out of the package!

On the other hand, if you’re looking for something more durable or if you need your project to withstand heat or water, then oven-hardening clay is the way to go.

Where can you purchase air dry clay?

Luckily, air dry clay is pretty easy to come by! You can find it at most craft stores or online, and there are tons of different brands and colors to choose from. Most of the projects in my list below use either Crayola (yep, not just for kids) or DAS air dry clay.

  • Crayola Air Dry Clay: Perfect for beginners, it’s soft, easy to shape, and dries within 24 hours. It comes in a few color options, and white is easiest to find.
  • DAS Air Dry Clay: A classic choice with a smooth finish. Great for larger projects. It comes in numerous color options and even includes terracotta and stone.

Scroll down for some air dry clay ideas that will inspire you to get started right away! Trust me, once you start crafting with air dry clay, you’re going to be hooked!

Air Dry Clay Ideas

Discover just how versatile clay can be with these creative air dry clay ideas designed with adults in mind!

Which of these air dry clay ideas will you try first? Let me know in the comments and then check out these other fun clay crafts: