Pool Noodle Flower Wreath with a Marimekko Theme
Learn to make a pool noodle flower wreath using felt and a modern theme. Perfect for spring and you can customize it with your fave colors.
Skills Required: None. Even if you’ve never crafted before, you should easily be able to make this wreath. You’ll be cutting and wrapping felt – then hot gluing.

I seriously can’t get enough of anything Marimekko, a Finnish design company who had its heyday in the ’60s making bright, colorful, and graphic prints.
I remember Marimekko from when I was little – especially the bold flowers! They’ve always intrigued me.
Well, it turns out they aren’t that hard to recreate, so you can bring a little Finnish design action into your own home using this simple pool noodle wreath tutorial.
Once you’re done and display this bad boy, everyone you know is going to be asking you to make one for them. That’s because they’re so cute! But the simplicity will be your little secret. Here’s how you make it below.
Make a Pool Noodle Wreath
For this DIY wreath project, you will need the following:
- Different colors of felt
- Cardboard
- Pool noodle
- Duck tape
- Toothpicks
- Hot glue gun and glue sticks
- Fabric or ribbon for hanging
- Scissors
- Pen or pencil to draw on the felt
No need to cut your pool noodle, just bend it and tape it in place. I got mine at the dollar store. Cut strips of felt or fabric and cover your pool noodle using a hot glue gun to secure your fabric in place.
I cut rectangular strips the length of my felt and wrapped one at a time around my pool noodle gluing each one in place as I made my way around the pool noodle.
Draw your flowers out on your felt and cut them out.
These were the pieces I cut to assemble my flowers.
Use your hot glue gun to secure your flowers in place. Ultimately, the stems didn’t find their way onto my wreath. They just didn’t seem needed.
Then cut some cardboard smaller than your flower and hot glue it to the back. I used the cardboard of a mac and cheese box; the thicker cardboard of a cardboard shipping box was overkill. You basically just want a little extra structure to keep your flower flat.
Then play around with your flowers and create an arrangement on your wreath. For more dimension, try to overlap the flowers a bit. In the next step, I’ll show you how to add height to individual flowers.
Cut the end of a toothpick, make a little heap of hot glue and put a toothpick into the glue. You will need to hold the toothpick in place until it dries.
Use some sort of tool (I used a mini screwdriver but an ice pick or anything else pokey would work) to pierce through your felt and the pool noodle. The toothpick alone will not cut it. Then slide your toothpick into the hole you just created.

Go around and attach all your flowers. Some of the flowers will be hot glued directly to the wreath. Not all of them require toothpicks, only the ones you want to stand out in the foreground.
Then you will want to add some ribbon to hang your wreath. I didn’t have any so I cut a piece of fabric and hot glued the ends together to create a loop.
If you add the cost of the materials together (dollar store pool noodle, felt at 20 cents a sheet, etc.) the whole project will cost you about $2.
To me, this wreath is happy and great for almost spring.
And yes, washi tape alone will actually hold your wreath! It’s that lightweight.
If you enjoyed this pool noodle wreath, I’d love for you to check out these other options. Give them a try and let me know what you think in the comments!