Home / Crafts / Perler Beads / Spider Man Perler Beads (10+ Free Patterns)

Spider Man Perler Beads (10+ Free Patterns)

Get over 10 patterns for Spider Man perler beads! With these patterns comes great responsibility. Both kids and adults will love them!

spiderman hama beads

“Spiderman – nobody knows who you are!”

I’m aging myself, but the first time I watched anything Spiderman was on the Electric Company. The Electric Company was actually canceled in 1977 (the year of my birth!), at the height of its popularity.

I guess I watched it on reruns.

If you don’t remember the series because you’re not old like me, it was an educational kids’ TV show with sketches. The goal was to help children develop grammar and reading skills, and featured stars like Morgan Freeman and Rita Moreno.

It’s one of those shows that has stuck in my mind all these years later, including the sketch “Spidey’s Super Stories.” It had a very catchy theme song that I still remember!

spider man perler beads

Growing up with four brothers helped continue an avid love of superheroes throughout my childhood, including Spider Man.

Today I’m excited to share my love of “the man behind the mask” with you . . . via crafts, of course. You’re going to love these Spider Man perler beads. They were so fun to make!

Perler beads are recommended for ages six and up, so this is a very fun craft to try with kids. They love perler beads (also known as hama beads, fuse beads, or melty beads). But don’t be shy – adults love them too!

Spiderman Hama Beads

  • A few of these patterns are larger than a 29 x 29 pegboard, so you’ll either need a extra large pegboard (49 x 69 tall) or to put multiple square peg boards together to form a larger “canvas.”
  • You’ll see a couple of the pattern backgrounds below aren’t white – that’s simply to give contrast so you can see where all the white beads should go. You don’t need to add the background (but you can if you want to).
  • In addition to square pegboards, you’ll see round and hexagon pegboards. These are fun to have in your arsenal if you plan to do a lot of perler-ing.
  • You don’t have to stick to my color choices. A lot of times I just use what I have on hand, so feel free to customize.
  • I typically start with easier, smaller patterns in my list and then move on to the more difficult ones. If you’re looking for something a bit more advanced, just keep scrolling!

Small Spideys

These tiny Spiderman perler patterns use 124 black, 114 red, 37 cobalt, and 24 white beads.

small spiderman perler beads

Small Spiderman and Round Head

The pattern on the left uses 70 black, 38 red, 6 white, and 16 cobalt beads. The pattern on the right uses a small round pegboard.

spiderman perler patterns

Small Standing Spiderman

This pattern uses 132 black, 117 cherry, 52 white, and 34 cobalt beads.

spider man perler

Nobody Knows Who You Are

This pattern uses 138 black, 99 red, 35 white, and 57 cobalt beads.

easy spiderman perler beads

Jumping in the Air, Throwing a Web

This pattern uses 413 dark gray, 19 white, 75 red, 50 cherry, 84 cobalt, 8 black, and 26 dark blue beads.

spider man melting beads

Round Head

This pattern uses 320 black, 224 red, and 129 white beads.

spiderman face perler beads

Dangling from a Line

This pattern uses 19 white (the hanging web), 116 black, 169 red, and 31 cobalt beads.

spiderman melty beads

Jumping Spider Man

This pattern uses 149 black, 161 red, 15 white, and 68 cobalt beads.

jumping spiderman

Hello Kitty Spidey

This pattern uses 165 black, 48 cobalt, 172 red, 24 white, and 2 yellow beads. Don’t forget to check out our Hello Kitty perler beads.

Hello Kitty Spider man

Spiderman Head

This pattern uses 297 black, 283 red, and 50 white beads.

spider man fuse beads

The Hero In All Of Us

This pattern uses 177 black, 242 red, 18 white, and 92 cobalt beads.

spider man perler bead pattern

Throwing a Web

This pattern uses 253 black, 298 red, 9 white, and 145 cobalt beads. The stands use 229 white and 104 black beads. The gray areas you will leave open to insert Spider Man’s feet.

Wearing the Mask

This pattern uses 225 black, 301 red, 10 white, and 112 cobalt beads.

spiderman hama bead pattern

Hanging from a Web

This pattern uses 353 black, 163 red, 368 clear, 90 cobalt, and 14 white beads.

melty beads spiderman

If you enjoyed these Spider Man hama beads, I’d love for you to check out these other patterns:

Among UsBaby YodaBatmanBlueyBob RossFNAFHarry PotterHello KittyKuromiMickey MouseMinecraftMinionsPokemonSanrioSonicStar WarsStar Wars Hello KittyStitchSuper MarioSpidersZelda

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