Home / Crafts / Perler Beads / Minecraft Perler Beads (40+ Patterns!)

Minecraft Perler Beads (40+ Patterns!)

Get over 40 patterns for Minecraft perler beads! There are a variety of characters and symbols from this best selling sandbox video game.

minecraft perler beads

Did you know that Minecraft is the best selling video game in history? Yes. Released in November 2011, it’s currently at 238 million copies sold. Yes, that’s million (insert Dr. Evil).

The next best selling video game is Grand Theft Auto V at 175 million copies. Guys! This is crazy. I had no idea video games sold like that.

That means that technically, just looking at statistics, the equivalent of approximately 72% of the country owns Minecraft.

And while I don’t personally own the game, I can verify the statistic to a certain extent given that all the children around me play it! Including my niece, who is obsessed.

And if you’re here, that means either you love the game or you have kids that do. Either way, I’m excited to share these Minecraft perler beads with you. My niece and I had great fun putting these together!

minecraft fuse beads

While we were crafting, she was telling me everything she loves about the game. She likes “playing with different people, being able to create her own cities, and talking about the game with friends.”

At one point she loved the merch too, but she’s kind of outgrown that.

I find it interesting that it’s not just a game for my niece. It’s a creative outlet! And of course, so are the perler beads.

We made patterns for Steve, creepers, tools, resources, animals, and some other aspects of the game. There are so many elements in Minecraft that we couldn’t get them all. If you have a request we’d love to hear in the comments. We’re always making new patterns!

Perler beads are recommended for ages six and up, so this is a very fun craft to try with children. They love perler beads (also known as hama beads, fuse beads, or melty beads). But don’t be shy – adults love them too!

hama beads minecraft

Now if you’re ready for the Minecraft perler beads, here are the patterns.

Hama Beads Minecraft

  • A few of these patterns are larger than a 29 x 29 pegboard, so you’ll either need a extra large pegboard (49 x 69 tall) or to put multiple square peg boards together to form a larger “canvas.”
  • You’ll see a couple of the pattern backgrounds below aren’t white – that’s simply to give contrast so you can see where all the white beads should go. You don’t need to add the background (but you can if you want to).
  • Don’t stick to my colors necessarily. Customize with your favorite color beads.
  • I typically start with easier, smaller patterns in my list and then move on to the more difficult ones. If you’re looking for something a bit more advanced, just keep scrolling!

Steve (Gold Steve and Diamond Steve too), Dirt Block

Each of these square blocks uses 64 beads (8 x 8).

minecraft perlers

Creeper, Pink Creeper, Slime, and Zombie

creeper hama beads

Wood Sword, Gold Sword, Stone Sword, Diamond Sword

minecraft swords in wood, gold, diamond, and stone

Axe, Pick Axe, Shovel, and Hoe

diamond minecraft perler beads

Chicken, Pig, Cow, and Sheep

minecraft melty beads

Enderman, Skeleton, Zombie Pigman, and Ghast

small minecraft perler beads

Stampy Cat, Guardian, Wolf, and Ocelot

easy minecraft hama beads

iBallisticSquid, Mooshroom, and Wither

easy minecraft perler beads

Decorative Easter Eggs

The creeper is larger than the version above and uses 196 beads (14 x 14 grid). The diamond ore and pumpkin use 256 beads (16 x 16 grids).

Minecraft perler patterns

3D Dirt Block

This pattern makes a tiny dimensional dirt block that is easily assembled. It uses 63 tan, 185 brown, 80 bright green, 52 kiwi lime, and 16 light gray beads.

Once all the pieces are done, you’ll use the top left brown piece as the bottom. The green piece is the top and the other four pieces are the sides. Simply insert the tabs together and push to form the block.

minecraft perler beads 3d

Minecraft Supplies and Consumables

You’ll get suspicious stew, an apple, diamond, splash potion, milk bucket, lava bucket, water bucket, Dragon’s breath, meat health bar, clock, and cake.

minecraft items perler beads

Standing Steve

This pattern uses 18 brown, 106 sand, 2 white, 8 purple, 2 tan, 4 light brown, 109 sky, 63 pastel lavender, and 16 gray beads.

steve minecraft perler beads

Standing Creeper

This pattern uses 128 black, 43 dark green, 15 white, and 140 kiwi lime beads.

creeper perler beads

Minecraft Hearts

This pattern uses 96 black, 152 red, and 32 white beads.

minecraft heart perler beads

Set of Armor

This pattern uses 178 black, 121 sky, 93 lagoon, and 12 white beads.

minecraft armor

Standing Cow

This pattern uses 56 light gray, 194 gingerbread, 36 white, and 22 black beads.

minecraft cow

Standing Sheep

This pattern uses 179 toasted marshmallow, 12 white, 42 honey, 2 black, 8 gray, and 4 flamingo beads.

minecraft sheep

Ender Dragon

This pattern uses 101 gray, 337 black, and 4 purple beads.

Ender Dragon perler beads

Steve with a Stand

This pattern uses 184 black, 47 brown, 92 kiwi lime, 40 dark green, 59 bright green, 78 sand, 36 dark gray, 2 white, 44 cobalt, 37 gray, 7 light brown, 2 tan, and 69 Caribbean sea beads.

After the beads have cooled, insert Steve into the grass stand.

steve with a stand

What did you think of these Minecraft perler beads? Let me know in the comments! I’d also love for you to check out these other patterns:

Among UsBaby YodaBatmanBlueyBob RossFNAFHarry PotterHello KittyKuromiMickey MouseMinionsPokemonSanrioSonicSpider ManStar WarsStar Wars Hello KittyStitchSuper MarioSuperheroZelda

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  1. I have recently started getting back into perler beads as an adult (I’m in my thirties) and your webpage has been a great source of patterns for me. I am currently making Minecraft stuff for my nephews birthday. Thank you for all that you create and share!

    1. Of course! Keep checking back I have 40 more posts with patterns! 😮 Aren’t they fun? I’m in my 40s. I LOVE doing perler beads!

  2. Thank you so much for these patterns! My almost 7 year old son is OBSESSED with Minecraft. He is doing mini 4H this year and these patterns are helping him complete his craft exhibit. He has studied the patterns, calculated how beads we need of each color and planning our shopping trip to acquire the missing colors. Thank you again!

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